Jarrett Sinclair – Chapter 2

He had a very dark complexion and was heavily muscled. His footwork was almost non-existent, but he made up for it with the amount of raw power he had. He was a heavyweight slugger, and looked like he could knock out a cow with one punch.

The stranger continued to pummel the bag unrelenting, as everyone went back to what they were doing, secretly watching out of the corner of their eyes. A small smile came across Jarrett’s face as he continued to watch. The new arrival was strong.

The large black heavy bag which was being battered around like a rag doll was affectionately nicknamed “The Rock.” Rookies, often looking to prove themselves by hitting the biggest thing they could see, often made the mistake of choosing the Rock to work on for a two minute round. What they didn’t anticipate was the bag felt like you were hitting concrete, and was nearly unmovable.

Jarrett loved watching newbies trying not to loose face, working on the Rock for the full two minutes when their reasoning would tell them to stop after the first punch. They would then act tough as they walked away from the bags then disappear into the toilets to find the skin on their knuckles ripped to shreds.

As Jarrett swigged a bottle of water his coach stood beside him, both of them watching the slugger work the bag. “He’s Nigerian; his names Chinedu Okolo” the coach said, “He’s in England on a tour. Some people say he’s going to be the next heavyweight champion of the world. I agreed to let him train here for his next upcoming fight.”

Jarrett smiled, “he’s strong, what’s his record?” The coach turned his head to look at Jarrett, “13 wins and no losses…” Before he could finish his sentence Jarrett turned his head to look back at the coach, “All by knockout!” The coach smiled and nodded his head, “you up for a sparring session?” Jarrett pulled on his 8 ounce gloves, his left glove needing help to get on with his teeth. He replied while biting onto the leather

“I was born ready.”

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