Will it Work ? Wednesdays: Solar Powered Hummus

Following on from our Solar Panel / Handheld devices experiment I thought it would be interesting to see what can be powered using only energy from the sun and turning this into a mini completely pointless series to tickle you on Wednesdays.

If it can make you think twice about what can actually be powered with renewable energy then great, if not then a smile with suffice.

Solar Powered Hummus

For this instalment I seek to answer the age old question that has baffled philosophers throughout the centuries. “Can you make hummus using the sun?”

We all know the deal with hummus. Grab some chickpeas, some oil, tahini, garlic, dash of lemon juice and blend it all together. Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma’am.

But can the Goal Zero Yeti handle the wattage and an over zealous child to get the job done?



As you can see the answer is yes with 90% battery still left to spare.

So should you find yourself alone and fending for yourself in the wilderness, with only a set of solar panels, a portable generator, and a blender at hand, and you somehow manage to find all the ingredients.. now you know you can make hummus !

You're Welcome